
Das Team, das hinter DSA steht

Das DSA-Team ist ein sehr starkes Team, das für Sie und Ihre Projekte zusammenhält. Wir betreuen jeden Tag verschiedene Projekte und ergänzen uns wunderbar durch unsere unterschiedlichen Talente und Fähigkeiten.  

Dr.-Ing. Daniel Lübke

CEO  | Geschäftsführer

Elias Baalmann

Software-developer | Master in COMPUTER Science

Maximilian Nixdorf

Software-developer | Master in COMPUTER Science

Cindy Hornbostel-Schiller

executive assistant | social media manager

Daniels Story

Dr.-Ing. Daniel Lübke

“What if people from C-Level, Business and SW-Development shared the same objectives? What if their perspectives were aligned on their path to a new digital business model? What if their digital project achievements not only excelled in the market field but provided for a sustainable advantage among competiton? You usually need consultants who speak C Level, have domain expertise and are technology specialists for the above „what ifs“. Having worked with Dr. Daniel Lübke in digital transformation projects for the last 10 years, he has proven to be one of the rare experts to close the gap for all above „what ifs“. 

Thank you Daniel for turning business and digital challenges into innovative best practice results. Working with you has always been on the high end of professionalism, goal oriented, dynamic and last but not least lots of fun!”

Barbara Ulrich, Senior Consultant bei Noser Engineering AG

Beschreibe kurz deine Reise bei DSA!

I have been working in the domain of software development, software architecture, and business process integration for all of my professional life. In 2021 I founded Digital Solution Architecture GmbH to make it a home for professionals who are also striving to build great solutions and help clients to optimize their business with efficient software solutions.

Woran arbeitest du gerade?

I am currently consulting client projects on how to best use BPMN and BPMN engines for quick development of maintainable in-house software solutions for business process digitization.

Was sollten wir über dich wissen?

I am a software developer in the broadest sense since 6th grade and I still enjoying learning new concepts and technologies. I like to share my knowledge and experience and do so by giving lectures at the software engineering group at the Leibniz University Hannover and conference talks.

Erzähle uns über deine Karriere bevor DSA!

After the completion of my university studies I pursued my PhD. Afterwards I worked at a software architecture consulting company in Switzerland. From the start I worked in demanding client projects with the focus of services/APIs, integration and business process support.

maximilians Story

Maximilian Nixdorf

“The simple solution is not always the optimal one.  Just because it saves you some time during implementation, a more complex approach may be desired, since it is likely to save you large quantities of development time in the long run. Through careful analysis and planning, we at DSA provide software solutions that allow easy expansion, adaptation and maintenance!”

Beschreibe kurz deine Reise bei DSA!

I started at DSA directly after I finished my M.Sc. in Informatics and I have been a member of this team for half a year now. I would love to see the further expansion of DSA with interesting new co-workers, exciting new projects and new opportunities with an expanding set of clients…

Woran arbeitest du gerade?

I am currently working remotely on a software project based in Switzerland with ties to the banking system and land registers with a personal focus on the adaptation and expansion of the already existing processes.

Was sollten wir über dich wissen?

Apart from the time I spend as a software-developer, I like to experiment with my Raspberry Pies and my 3D-printer in order to provide useful tools/gadgets for daily use!

Erzähle uns über deine Karriere bevor DSA!

During my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Informatics at Leibniz University Hannover I worked as a student assistant at the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. During that time I worked on the development of an educational database with basic knowledge about numerous topics related with the studies of informatics. Its goal was the support of new students at the university during their initial semesters.

elias´ Story

Elias Baalmann

„Enjoyed working with you in our project a lot: very professional, asking the right questions, understands quickly, reliable, proactive, and all that with great expertise. You helped us with your knowledge and expertise shaping and scaling our BPMN approaches for the future.“

Daniela Odabasi / Product Owner at Cleverbridge

Beschreibe kurz deine Reise bei DSA!

During my time at DSA, I participated in multiple projects, including load testing and implementation of applications that use process engines, AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda. I also expanded my knowledge with certifications and courses such as BPMN Method & Style, OCEB2-F, a Spring Boot Course and a Clean Code Master Class.

What are you currently working on?​

Currently, I am working on a project based on a BPMN process executed with Camunda 7. I focus on process modeling and implementation of data flows between various services.

Was sollten wir über dich wissen?

I am always eager to learn new things and understand business problems to develop solutions that offer real benefits to stakeholders. I thrive in team environments and am ready to use my expertise in BPMN, Java, Spring Boot, Camunda, and other technologies to drive projects towards success.

Tell us about your career steps before DSA!

Before joining DSA, I completed my Bachelor’s at Universität Hamburg and Master’s at Leibniz Universität Hannover. During my studies, I developed a keen interest in technology and software and specialized in various areas, including BPMN. My master’s thesis was focused on BPMN, which further propelled my interest in Business Process Management.

cindy´s story

Cindy Hornbostel-Schiller
Executive Assistant to the CEO / Social Media Manager
Beschreibe kurz deine Reise bei DSA!

Als Assistenz der Geschäftsführung durfte ich bisher viele spannende Projekte begleiten. Zuerst war ich an der Planung, Organisation und Strukturierung des Backoffice Bereich tätig und durfte mich dann kreativ in einige weitere spannende Aufgaben einbringen. Haben Sie Fragen zu den Dienstleistungen von Digital Solution Architecture kontaktieren sie mich gerne. Ich freue mich über Ihren Anruf oder E-Mail.

If you have any questions about the services of Digital Solution Architecture please contact me. I look forward to your call or e-mail.

Woran arbeitest du gerade?

Derzeit arbeite ich an der systematischen Gestaltung, Steuerung, Überwachung und Weiterentwicklung von internen Prozessen im täglichen Geschäftsablauf.

Was sollten wir über dich wissen?

Ich bin sehr strukturiert und organisiert und versuche Arbeitsabläufe so zu perfektionieren, dass bei wenig Aufwand ein Maximum erreicht werden kann.

Erzähle uns über deine Karriere bevor DSA!

Bevor ich zu DSA kam, half ich einer Freundin beim Aufbau, Strukturierung und Planung Ihrer therapeutischen Praxis und war als stellvertretende Praxisleitung angestellt. Davor arbeitet ich als operative Verwaltungsleitung im Music College Hannover. Neben der täglichen Arbeit bin ich als professionelle Sängerin bei „CarryMe GbR„und „The MICCI´s GbR“ on Tour und als Sprecherin bei „Starfield-Production“ tätig.

Das alles zusammen erfordert ein sehr akribisches Zeitmanagement.